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Principles | | |
G Will
Definition: Will is a property on account of
which goodness, greatness, duration etc.
are desirable; and it is a property whereby
good, great etc. substantial beings are
Distinction and clarification: now the One
supreme will itself is a being both
substantial and willing; as a substantial
being, it originates what is willed by it so
that the One who wills and what is willed
both exist as One selfsame natural
essence of will. Beyond this voluntary
principle, there can be nothing loftier in
the essence of will where willer and willed
can participate no further in the goodness
etc. of will, within the essential nature of
the goodness, etc. of will. Willer and
willed give rise to the act of willing on
account of the selfsame form of both willer
and willed, and this form is innate to the
essence of will. The said principles are
sought by all other appetitive principles,
since this supreme will is the cause that
produces all other appetites as its effects.
Nature: the inherent essential correlatives
of will are, as was shown: the willer,
willable and their willing whence follows
what is willed, loved or desired.
Without the natural essence of will and its
likenesses manifested in various
appetites, desire would be entirely subject
to some purpose not its own.
As he applies this principle to the Art, or
to the work of this Art and uses it with the
other principles of this Art, the artist forms
and regulates his act of willing and directs
it to what is good, great, etc. to find out
what he wants to know more quickly and
truly. Now as the willer and the willed or
desired object approach the natural
essence of will and goodness more and
more closely, the intellect improves its
understanding and grasp of what it wants
and knows. When the artist thus
considers the supreme willing One and
what is willed by Him, he raises his
consideration aloft to the One whom he
willingly considers, whence he draws the
power to consider how things are willed
and caused; for these reasons, will must
be included as a principle of this Art.