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Principles | | |
TK Minority
Definition: Minority is being close to
naught and thus minority is considered in
direct opposition to majority.
Clarification: This means that minority,
like majority, has substantial and/or
accidental being. One kind of substantial
minority is where the form of fire exists
throughout an entire ignited substance in
the essential minority that this ignited
substance has by reason of the minor
goodness, etc. comprised in it, and this
minority in the ignited substance arises
from the minor quantity of its goodness,
greatness and duration. Now by reason of
the quantity of its goodness and
greatness, it is not as far removed from
evil and smallness as is the supreme
boundless being immense beyond
quantity, since its quantitatively limited
duration makes it subject to decay. The
same can be said about the minority of
the vegetative and sensitive powers, as
they are brought from non-being into being
and from potentiality into habit, and from
habit into act. Likewise, minority is found
in the rational soul that can hold false
opinions against the truth or vice versa, or
choose evil and hate good or vice versa,
because it consists of minor goodness,
greatness, etc. and not of that major
goodness which is the supreme being
existing in majority over its effect, which
also consists in majority as we said.
Likewise, accidental minority of quantity,
quality etc. is sustained in substantial
minority produced from substantial
majority: like extended quantity of
substance arising from the intense
quantity of its goodness, greatness etc.
and like extended quality of substance
arising from the intense quality of
goodness, etc. and like the heat of an
ignited substance extended from the
intense heat of fire, and likewise for other
things like these. The same applies in its
own way to the sensual and intellectual
powers. And there must be minority to
preclude the supreme impossibility
whereby beings other than the supreme
being could also be supreme.
Distinctions: It exists in beings and
gradually descends to almost naught, and
the more it descends, the closer it comes
to its own nature, and the more it
ascends, the more it recedes from its own
nature and approaches majority, its
Nature: the natural fullness of minority is
in the diminisher, the diminishable and
their diminishing giving rise to diminished
The difficulty of minority: minority is a
principle very difficult to grasp, given that it
approaches naught whenever it
approaches its own nature until it
becomes almost unattainable because of
its extreme smallness. Nonetheless, it is
a necessary being because it cannot be
removed without making all beings
supreme. Hence, minority is a very
necessary principle of this Art. By
knowing its conditions, the artist can
reach a subtler understanding of things.
However, it sometimes displays false
images in the unwary imagination of those
who do not know how to treat it
sequentially with the terms of this Art.
The reason why minority is a principle of
this Art: knowing the essence, nature and
conditions of minority allows the artist to
find the right middle terms to reach
conclusions and solve questions about
minority. It also provides a way to reflect
on supreme majority or equality through
their opposite, as minority is like a
slanted mirror where the intellect reflects
on the likenesses of majority or
magnitude. Contraries are known by their
contraries, in the same way that through
concordance things that are alike signify
each other. Hence, this principle shall be
treated sequentially with the other
principles and vice versa.