Ars Brevis

bullet1 3. The Definitions

Part 3

The Definitions of the Principles

This Art defines its principles so that they can be known by their definitions and used to make affirmative or negative statements that do not violate the definitions. With these conditions the intellect builds science, finds media and dispels ignorance, its enemy.

1. B. Goodness is that whereby good does good.
2. C. Greatness is that through which goodness, duration etc.are great. 
3. D. Duration is that through which goodness, greatness etc. are lasting. 
4. E. Power is that through which goodness, greatness etc. can exist and act. 
5.F. Wisdom is a property by which the wise understand. 
6.G. Will is that on account of which goodness, greatness etc. are lovable or desirable. 
7.H. Virtue is the origin of the union of goodness, greatness etc.
8. I. Truth is that which is true about goodness, greatness, etc. 
9. K. Glory is that delight in which goodness, greatness, etc. find rest. 
1. Difference is that whereby goodness, greatness, and the other principles are clear reasons without any confusion. 
2. Concordance is that through which goodness, etc. agree in unity and in plurality. 
3. Contrariety is a mutual resistance due to divergent ends. 
4. Beginning is something that is before all else on account of some priority. 
5. The middle is a subject in which the end influences the beginning, and the beginning flows back to the end, as it is naturally common to both. 
6. The End is that in which the beginning rests. 7. Majority is the image of the boundlessness of goodness, greatness, etc.
8. Equality is the subject in which the final concordance of goodness, greatness, etc. rests. 
9. Minority is a being close to non-being.