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Ars Brevis | | |
5.The Imaginative
5. The Fifth Subject, or the Imaginative Faculty
In the imaginative, the principles and rules are specified toward imagining imaginable things, in the
same way that in a magnet, they are specified toward attracting
iron. And it is defined as follows: the imaginative is the power whose proper function is to imagine
objects. And so the imaginative is sequentially combined with the
principles and rules that belong to the imaginative. The intellect has great knowledge of the imaginative
and of the things that belong to it; the imaginative draws
species from objects sensed by particular senses, and it does this with its correlatives, signified
by the second species of C. With goodness, it makes these
species good, with greatness it magnifies them, as when imagining a mountain made of gold. And it diminishes
them with minority, as when imagining one
indivisible point. The imaginative has instinct, for instance, irrational animals have their ways of
ensuring survival, and goats instinctively stay away from wolves. The
imaginative has an appetite for imagining objects, so it can find repose in them by imagining them.
While the particular senses deal with sense objects, they impede the imaginative from exercising its
act; for instance, while one is looking at a colored object with
his eyes, the imaginative cannot act, given that it cannot imagine the external imaginable object until
the viewer closes his eyes, for only then does imaginative
begin to act, or is able to act.
Someone looking at a colored object attains it more by seeing it than by imagining it, given that a
sense object is closer to the senses. But the imaginative
perceives imaginable objects by means of the senses. In sentient beings, the imaginative is not as general
a power as the power of the senses, as can be observed
in the sense of touch, whereby someone holding a stone feels many diverse sensations, namely the weight
of the stone, its coldness, roughness and hardness; but
the imaginative cannot perceive all these things at once, it can only proceed in sequence. And likewise
with other things like these. And this is enough, for the sake
of brevity.