I. 3

Planets in Gemini

(1) Saturn in Gemini
Gemini and Saturn form a combination both good and bad: Gemini is A and Saturn is C, Saturn is bad and Gemini is good as A is good and also as Gemini reigns in spring, a good season when the renewal of natural good for the whole year occurs. Since A and C are opposed and Mercury is convertible and helps A against C, the good fortune of A is greater than the evil of C. This combination of opposites determines a lack of proportion in its natives who are beautiful in one way on account of A, and ugly in another way on account of C, like a man with beautiful eyebrows and eyes but an ugly nose and mouth.

(2) Saturn and Jupiter in Gemini
When Gemini has Saturn and Jupiter in its house, two A overcome one C, which is good on account of A and bad on account of C. And since Gemini is a common sign, common to both movement and immobility, natives of this combination have frequent alternations of good and bad fortune as they are often peaceful, happy, healthy and honored and often the opposite.

(3) Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in Gemini
When Saturn, Jupiter and Mars meet in Gemini, two A overcome C and once C is overcome it cannot overcome B while one B cannot overcome two A's. Therefore A is favorable, next in rank is B as it agrees with A, which rules the combination and is simply opposed to C. Thus, people who rule on account of A rule C through the intermediary of B that agrees with c.

(4) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun in Gemini
When Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun are in Gemini, there is a controversy between two A's and two B's on account of dryness while all four agree in heat; and since B overcomes A,  B is favorable and the cold of C is most unfavorable. Natives of this combination are unlucky with everything that has more to do with earth than other elements: like blacksmiths, farmers, potters, people who plant cabbage and sow barley. Astronomers say that this kind of combination turns barley into oats, and it is favorable for sowing wheat which belongs to A and even more favorable for planting pepper or mustard which belong to B.

(5)  Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun and Venus in Gemini
When Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and the Sun and Venus are in Gemini, there are four degrees of fortune in this house: the first and best is that of the two B's overcoming D, followed by B overcoming A, then there is A overcoming B and then D overcoming C. Thus astronomers can use these degrees of fortune to know the fortunes of natives of this combination, or of people who hold positions or eat food that correspond to the A B C D in this combination.

(6) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini
When Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are in Gemini, the resulting good and bad fortune is the same as in the previous chapter, because Mercury is convertible.

(7) Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini
When Saturn, Jupiter and the five other planets are in house of Gemini the combination contains two B's, two D's, two A's and one C. Two B's overcome two A's and hence the two B's also overcome two D's since A overcomes D and D overcomes C. B is most favorable followed by A and then by D twice present in this combination and C is afflicted by the two A's opposing it.

(8) Jupiter in Gemini
When Jupiter is in Gemini, the combination has two A's and since Mercury is the planet of Gemini, A is abundantly favorable in goodness, greatness, power and virtue, an tin and Thursdays that belong to Jupiter are favorable to the masculine, common and diurnal qualities of Gemini.

(9) Jupiter and Mars in Gemini
When Jupiter and Mars are in Gemini, A and B are opposed in this combination where B overcomes one A and the remaining A is favorable, although only partly and not entirely which it would be if one A were not overcome by B. Natives of this combination are not very lucky with good things nor very unlucky with bad things.

(10) Jupiter, Mars and the Sun in Gemini
When Jupiter, Mars and the Sun are in Gemini, B is favorable because two B's overcome two A's, and there is bad luck from the bad part of this combination. Natives of this combination are unlucky with iron and gold, on Thursdays and on Sundays because Mercury converts more to bad than to good.

(11) Jupiter, Mars, the Sun and Venus in Gemini
When Jupiter, Mars, the sun and Venus are in Gemini, A D are favorable because of their good nature and A is better than D. And as D agrees with A in goodness, two B's cannot overcome two A's. Hence, this combination means agreement between a ruler and his allies and is good for making peace because D, the natural opponent of B, influences this combination by preventing B from overcoming A as B would naturally do, and B is overcome and subject to the good fortune of A.

(12) Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini
When Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are in Gemini, the fortune is the same as in the previous combination because Mercury is convertible.

(13) Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini
When Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon are in Gemini, the combination contains two A's, two B's and two D's and as B and D are simply contrary, B cannot overcome A and A overcomes B D because there is no simple opposite to A here. Hence, A is favorable in this combination through the intermediary of D and its natives are good mediators and friendly organizers, peace makers and mediators for reaching agreements between buyers and sellers; and with this combination, those who should naturally be losers become winners, as when a prudent warrior is defeated by a reckless rival, or a smart businessman loses money while a stupid one turns a profit.

(14) Mars in Gemini
When Mars is in Gemini, B should naturally overcome A, but experience shows that in the spring season A overcomes B because Gemini overcomes B with the help of Mercury, given that Gemini is the house of generation and renewal in spring while B of Mars is the evil ruler of the outdated forms that must decay to make place for the new. Hence, A rules this combination and B is subordinated to A, whereby the men who should be rulers are submissive and subservient to their subordinates, like a king or official who does whatever a subordinate wants, or like a hen pecked husband. Moreover, natives of this combination intend to do good but do evil instead. Their intent is good on account of A but they do evil on account of B and conversely they have evil intentions on account of B and want to do evil but unintentionally do good on account of A. This is the kind of thing that makes astronomers claim that good and bad luck are governed by necessity.

(15) Mars and the Sun in Gemini
When Mars and the Sun are in Gemini, A is overcome by two B's and B is unfavorable because it afflicts A. However Mars is not altogether unfavorable because Mercury helps A and therefore natives of this combination do good and others reward them with evil. Therefore it is said that both are unfortunate because the one who does good and is rewarded with evil is unfortunate as well as the one who does evil while he ought to do good.

(16) Mars, the Sun and Venus in Gemini
When Mars, the Sun and Venus are in the camera of Gemini, the camera is represented by the figure A B B D where two B's overcome A and D, and D more so than A because B and D are directly opposite.  D is strongly overcome by B and cannot overcome A which partly agrees with B, which makes B the ruler and D is the most afflicted element in this combination. Hence, natives of Venus who should be happy and sing become sad and weep on account of this combination.

(17) Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini
When Mars, the Sun, Venus and Mercury are in Gemini, the figure A B B D is present in this house and since Mercury is convertible, it makes figure A B C D and therefore the combination is judged as the previous one because their figures are similar.

(18) Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini
When Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon are in Gemini they form figure A B B D D and this figure is converted to figure A B D by Mercury. And since B and D are contraries, A is favorable because B is so heavily afflicted by D that it cannot overcome A and A overcomes D with the help of B. Thus it happens that one man overcomes two men and astronomers attribute this to fortune.

(19) The Sun in Gemini
The Sun and Gemini together make figure A B and as B overcomes A, the Sun is king, but since Mercury is the plant of Gemini, Gemini has a share of the good fortune as well, inasmuch as it agrees with the heat of B, but its moisture is afflicted by the dryness of the Sun.

(20) The Sun and Venus in Gemini
When the Sun and Venus are in Gemini, they make figure A B D in this house and B overcomes A and A overcomes D and the Sun is favorable while D is unfavorable and A stands in the middle between good and bad fortune. Hence, on account of this combination, people who mediate between fortunate and unfortunate parties participate in the good and bad fortune of both.

(21) The Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini
When the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Gemini, natives of Gemini are subject to the fortune of figure A B D and the judgment is like that of the previous combination because Mercury is convertible.

(22) The Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini
When the Sun, Venus, Mercury and the Moon are in Gemini, figure A B D D is in this house and the combination is ruled by D because two D's overpower one B, while B overcomes A. Hence, there are two afflictions in this house: since B is overcome by D and also as A is overcome by B and B is more afflicted than A because it is defeated by two direct opponents. Hence, some natives of this house are more unfortunate than others.

(23) Venus in Gemini
When Venus is in Gemini, figure A D is in the house of Gemini and because A overcomes D, both A and D are afflicted. Cold is more afflicted than moisture because there are two instances of moisture in this house and this kind of combination causes unfortunate situations like love triangles or "odd man out" situations.

(24) Venus and Mercury in Gemini 
Venus and Mercury in Gemini make figure A D and this is judged like the previous combination, only with more intensity because there are more planets in  it.

(25) Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini 
Venus, Mercury and the Moon in Gemini make figure A D D and A is only half afflicted as its heat is overcome but not its moisture. They say that this kind of affliction causes paralysis in some part of the body, especially on the right side which is naturally hotter than the left side.

(26) Mercury in Gemini
Mercury in Gemini simply makes figure A, this is an intensely good combination and its natives are persistently lucky and naturally have male rather than female children.

(27) Mercury and the Moon in Gemini
Mercury and the Moon in Gemini make figure A D and because of Mercury's friendship to A and as A overcomes D, A has two natural reasons to be king and D is overcome in two ways. Hence this kind of combination should allow two men to overcome one man.

(28) The Moon in Gemini
The Moon alone in Gemini makes figure A D and the combination is judged according to the goodness of the house and of the Moon.

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