Section 4 Practice: Propositions & Questions

On The Practice of this Art

All science consists in theory and practice, and since the theory of this Art has been very adequately covered in a compendious way in the previous sections, this fourth and final section deals with the practice of the Art as given in this book. This section is divided into ten parts, for the ten figures of this Art with ten modes of propositions and questions, one mode for each figure, and each part is subdivided into two halves, the first contains the propositions of its figure and the second contains the questions. Now let us first deal with the first half, beginning with the first figure and the other figures follow in turn.


The Questions

Because the deficient intellectual virtue of the uneducated and sometimes even of those whose understanding has been prepared by thorough and fruitful studies, is unable to apprehend the lofty subtlety of several points found in this book, it is now necessary and very useful, in order to dispel the clouds of ignorance, to provide examples so that the reader will not perchance form opinions that are alien to the Art. Since the author of this book is well aware of this hazard, he included examples of all the preceding material here in the second part of the last section, showing how to track down and find any particular in its universals.

This part has ten parts, namely the ten general figures of this Art, and note that this part is designed to contain two questions for each and every principle of the said figures. Both questions are solved with the same cameras, and these cameras with their statements display the universals where the particular points can be sought and found, as was already explained in section three.

Note that the first camera in the solution of a question is the initial one, and the other cameras that follow are meant to corroborate the first camera. And as there are two questions for each of the 245 principles, 245x2 gives 490 questions.

Note further that the cameras of the figures of this Art are more universal than their questions, since all arts and sciences, if they are not defective or in a state of utter confusion, consist in universals and not in particulars. And if there is some particular that is perchance not covered by the questions in this volume, then make propositions in accordance with the doctrine and rule of the above propositions and produce them in the cameras of the figures so as to track down that particular, because the principles of the figures, through their ultimate universality, are quite sufficient for responding to countless questions.

Now let us proceed with the substance of this part, and as figure T. precedes all the other figures in this volume, let us follow the sequence and first deal with the questions related to the principles and cameras of T.

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