Harmonic Cycle
of 4 elements and 7 planets
31 temperament binaural compositions made with the BrainWave
Generator and based on the Harmonic Cycle shown below.
Use good quality stereo earphones and
disable all special effects that mix right and left stereo channels ( such
as 3D sound, most equalizer presets, Surround, iQfix, echo, true bass etc.
) because they completely distort the binaural effect. Lower volume is
The seven compositions can be heard individually or in sequence ,
they represent a whole seasonal cycle of the four elements:
1f-Fire stands for noon in the day or the summer solstice in the
2c and 3g Earth -evening or autumn-
4d and 5h Water - night or winter-
6e Air- morning or spring -
7b-Fire- back to noon
The files are numbered 1 to 7 to make a playlist and hear the entire
24 minute cycle in a continuous way and in its proper order.
Each file can be looped individually by placing it alone in a playlist
and setting your player to "repeat" - if you want to prolong the
specific binaural entrainment effect of any one piece.
This is not streaming audio. To save the files
to your hard drive, right click on the link and then choose "Save Target
As" or "Save Link As"
air-water.mp3 9 minutes
air-earth.mp3 9
minutes 2.64Mb
9 minutes 2.12Mb
fire-water 4fd.mp3 9 minutes 8.30 Mb
Earth-Water-g051126.mp3 20 minutes 13.73Mb
the following files were made
using both Brainwave Generator
and the Brain Sound Studio, they can be played with earphones or with
water-air4913 9 minutes 2.72Mb
c-drums4915 18 minutes 5.21Mb
9 minutes 3941kb
18 minutes 6323kb
Earth-Water g051130.mp3 20 minutes 13.73Mb
The music in the audio files on this site is copyrighted.
Copyright © Janis Dambergs 2004 - 05 All rights reserved.
You are welcome to download, copy and distribute freely for not-for-profit
31 temperament binaural composition made with the BrainWave
Generator and based on the Harmonic Cycle shown below.
Use good quality stereo earphones and
disable all special effects that mix right and left stereo channels ( such
as 3D sound, many equalizer presets, Surround, iQfix, echo, true bass etc.
) because they completely distort the binaural effect. Lower volume is
6e Air- morning or spring
To save the file to your hard drive, right click
on the link and then choose "Save Target As" or "Save Link As"
Some Notes on the Cyclus Harmonicus
The letters b c d e f g h are similar to the
notes we usually call A B C D E F G H or do re mi fa sol la ti do. The
letters b c d e f g h are used in this notation because they signify the
four elements through their correspondance with the letters in the first
circle of astronomy.

The top voice follows a cycle of fifths shown by bfcgdheb
clockwise in a circle around the star.
The bass voice follows a cycle of thirds and the letters bdfhcegb
counted along the lines of the star.
Counting clockwise around every second point of the star, bcdefghb
represent the scale.
The two middle voices complete the 4 note chord whose tonic is the bass
note so that each column contains a third, fifth and octave.
f |
f |
f |
c |
c |
c |
g |
g |
g |
d |
d |
d |
h |
h |
h |
e |
e |
e |
b |
b |
b |
f |
f |
f |
c |
c |
c |
d |
d |
c |
h |
h |
g |
e |
e |
d |
b |
b |
h |
f |
f |
e |
c |
c |
b |
g |
g |
f |
d |
d |
c |
h |
h |
g |
b |
h |
h |
f |
e |
e |
c |
b |
b |
g |
f |
f |
d |
c |
c |
h |
g |
g |
e |
d |
d |
b |
h |
h |
f |
e |
e |
b |
d |
f |
f |
h |
c |
c |
e |
g |
g |
b |
d |
d |
f |
h |
h |
c |
e |
e |
g |
b |
b |
d |
f |
f |
h |
c |
universal harmonic cycle of frequencies
as shown in the illustration
in Ivo Salzinger's Revelatio Secretorum Artis
this cycle can be continued indefinitely,
it stops here only for lack of space.
"while in its course, every astral
body sings, like a shining harpist running his hands over harps of blue,
it sings the praises of its Creator, and the firmament is full of this
concert of an immense organ -"
Maria Valtorta, Song of the Man
f3.07 |
f3.07 |
f3.07 |
c4.60 |
c4.60 |
c4.60 |
g6.88 |
g6.88 |
g6.88 |
d10.3 |
d10.3 |
d10.3 |
h15.4 |
h15.4 |
h15.4 |
e21.4 |
e21.4 |
e21.4 |
b32.9 |
b32.9 |
b32.9 |
d2.57 |
d2.57 |
c2.3 |
h3.84 |
h3.84 |
g3.44 |
e5.35 |
e5.35 |
d5.14 |
b8.22 |
b8.22 |
h7.69 |
f12.3 |
f12.3 |
e10.7 |
c18.4 |
c18.4 |
b16.4 |
g27.5 |
g27.5 |
f24.6 |
b2.05 |
h1.92 |
h1.92 |
f3.07 |
e2.67 |
e2.67 |
c4.60 |
b4.11 |
b4.11 |
g6.88 |
f6.15 |
f6.15 |
d10.3 |
c9.19 |
c9.19 |
h15.4 |
g13.8 |
g13.8 |
e21.4 |
d20.6 |
d20.6 |
b1.03 |
d1.29 |
f1.54 |
f1.54 |
h1.92 |
c2.30 |
c2.30 |
e2.67 |
g3.44 |
g3.44 |
b4.11 |
d5.14 |
d5.14 |
f6.15 |
h7.69 |
h7.69 |
c9.19 |
e10.7 |
e10.7 |
g13.8 |
b16.4 |
A particular application of the above cycle with
the frequencies in 31 temperament and based on A, la or g=440, beginning
with b, do or c as the lowest note on the bottom left of the table. The
cycle, being universal, can begin with any frequency but for now we take
this as a starting point. The frequencies in the above table are below
the audible range, but have a role in binaural entrainment.
Other particular harmonic sequences can be derived
as below, for instance by taking any of the seven segments that have
the same top note. Each segment corresponds to one of the seven planets
as in the tables and figures on the previous page.
c18.4 |
c18.4 |
c18.4 |
h15.4 |
h15.4 |
g13.8 |
f12.3 |
e10.7 |
e10.7 |
f6.15 |
h7.69 |
c9.19 |
segment of c
c9.19 |
c9.19 |
c9.19 |
h7.69 |
h7.69 |
g6.88 |
f6.15 |
e5.35 |
e5.35 |
f3.07 |
h3.84 |
c4.60 |
the same segment one octave lower
f98.4 |
f98.4 |
f98.4 |
c147 |
c147 |
c147 |
g220 |
g220 |
g220 |
d329 |
d329 |
d329 |
d82.3 |
d82.3 |
c73.6 |
h123 |
h123 |
g110 |
e171 |
e171 |
d165 |
b263 |
b263 |
h246 |
b65.8 |
h61.5 |
h61.5 |
f98.4 |
e85.5 |
e85.5 |
c147 |
b132 |
b132 |
g220 |
f197 |
f197 |
b32.9 |
d41.1 |
f49.2 |
f49.2 |
h61.5 |
c73.6 |
c73.6 |
e85.5 |
g110 |
g110 |
b132 |
d165 |
h492 |
h492 |
h492 |
e685 |
e685 |
e685 |
b1052 |
b1052 |
b1052 |
f1574 |
f1574 |
f1574 |
c2354 |
c2354 |
c2354 |
f393 |
f393 |
e342 |
c588 |
c588 |
b526 |
g880 |
g880 |
f787 |
d1316 |
d1316 |
c1177 |
h1968 |
h1968 |
g1760 |
d329 |
c294 |
c294 |
h492 |
g440 |
g440 |
e685 |
d658 |
d658 |
b1052 |
h984 |
h984 |
f1574 |
e1369 |
e1369 |
d165 |
f197 |
h246 |
h246 |
c294 |
e342 |
e342 |
g440 |
b526 |
b526 |
d658 |
f787 |
f787 |
h984 |
c1177 |
A part of the Harmonic Cycle in audible
g220/6.88 |
g220/6.88 |
g220/6.88 |
e171/5.35 |
e171/5.35 |
d165/5.14 |
c147/4.6 |
b132/4.11 |
b132/4.11 |
c73.6/2.3 |
e85.5/2.67 |
g110/3.44 |
segment of g in audible frequencies
Previous page
Table of frequencies corresponding
to parts of the body
the Book of Seven Planets
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Generator site
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