Book on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit

Blessed Raymond Lull

GOD most glorious, You are the Lord of all that is, and You are worthy of being loved, remembered and understood above everything. With love, reverence and fear, here begins this book about the seven gifts given by the Holy Spirit.

As the Holy Spirit is a divine person, given by GOD to GOD himself, namely GOD the Father and GOD the Son, from whom It proceeds in an infinite and eternal procession, it is therefore fitting that we should compose some sermons about the seven gifts given by the Holy Spirit.
These gifts are :

(1) wisdom, (2) science,  (3) intellect,  (4) counsel,  (5) fortitude,  (6) piety,  (7), fear.
As the gifts given by the Holy Spirit are known, so can the Holy Spirit be known, as the giver can indeed be known through the gifts he gives. And whoever knows the giver, can also know the gifts the giver fittingly bestows, to make the gifts known. And the giver must be loved, understood, remembered, praised, honored and served. Therefore, it is fitting to compose sermons about the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, so that the people may know how to love, understand and remember GOD, and venerate, praise and serve the Holy Spirit.

Let whoever wants to make a sermon about wisdom, first make a definition of it, and let this definition be the theme of the sermon.
First let us pray the Holy Spirit, to give me the grace to say, and give you the grace to hear and put into practice these words, spoken to Its glory and honor, and for the salvation of our souls. And in love, reverence and honor of Our Lady, Holy Mary, let us say a Hail Mary.
Wisdom is a gift the Holy Spirit gives to man, to enable him to understand and use wisely the good things given by the grace of the Holy Spirit, such as wealth and honor. Wisdom is a gift given to the human intellect in a regulated way, and consequently a man clothed with wisdom has regulated order in his will, his memory, and in his lower potentials, which are the powers of: (1) sight, (2) hearing, (3) smell, (4) taste, (5) touch (6) affatus (voice), and (7) imagination, with all their acts of (1) seeing, (2) hearing, (3) smelling, (4) tasting, (5) touching, (6) voicing and (7) imagining; as well as understanding, loving and remembering. And for this reason, in a wise, orderly and well regulated person, ignorance and stupidity can neither enter nor remain.
Wisdom is a form made of the likenesses of loving and remembering, which are the works of wisdom. And a wise man generates such works when he wisely understands, loves and remembers an object which is wisely understood, loved and remembered.
Wisdom enables man to use his constituent powers to understand, love and remember GOD above everything. But stupidity, which is contrary to wisdom, does the opposite. Wisdom can thus be recognized through its purpose as well as through its contrary, so we can know the purpose for which the Holy Spirit gives wisdom.
If the Holy Spirit gives wisdom so It may be loved and remembered with wisdom, so must the Holy Spirit also give wisdom so It may be wisely understood. And if the Holy Spirit gives wisdom so It can be remembered and loved by man above everything else, It also gives wisdom so that It might be understood above everything else in existence. Thus it is wrong for anyone to say that man must not try to understand the Holy Spirit, or GOD the Father or GOD the Son, and that he must merely believe in them;  because belief does not operate at the loftier level of understanding, where understanding is infinitely removed from doubt, whereas believing and doubt have no infinite distance separating them.
The Holy Spirit gives wisdom for man to use as an instrument for operating wisely, for without wisdom, he cannot do anything wise. Heat is given to fire as its natural instrument for heating things, and the Holy Spirit gives man wisdom as a moral instrument and intellectual habit for understanding GOD and GOD's work far above and beyond man's natural capacity.
Wisdom is the form that shapes science. And science is subjected to wisdom. Now science without wisdom is not infinitely removed from stupidity, as many men have indeed acquired science through the liberal or mechanical arts, or by studying law or medicine, but do not know how to use this science wisely. And whoever does not use science wisely, has a stupid way of using it.
Wisdom is a spiritual habit no one can see or touch, for it has neither color nor shape; no one can hear wisdom, because wisdom has no voice; no one can smell wisdom, because it has no fragrance; no one can taste it, because it has no flavor; no one can speak to it, because it has no language; nor can anyone imagine it, because it has neither color nor shape. So what is wisdom?
Wisdom is not the object of any of the lower potentials, but only of the higher potentials, such as the intellect which can understand it; the will which can love it, and memory which can remember it.
Wisdom lives on in man as long as the grace of the Holy Spirit, the giver of wisdom, is alive in man inasmuch as man understands, remembers and loves it. But if one understands and remembers wisdom without loving it, then wisdom dies out, as it cannot remain in anyone without love, for the Holy Spirit, who gives wisdom, proceeds from the love of the Father and the Son.
We spoke of wisdom, showing how the Holy Spirit gives wisdom, what wisdom is, what it consists of, and where it comes from. And therefore we now pray the Holy Spirit to grant us wisdom, as It is our Father. And to honor It with love and reverence, let us say one "Our Father...".

If anyone wants to make a sermon about science, then let him make a definition of it, and let this definition serve as the theme of the sermon.
First, let us pray the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to say, and to give you the grace to hear and put into practice these words, spoken for Its glory and honor, and for the salvation of our souls. And with love, reverence and honor for Our Lady, Holy Mary, let us say a Hail Mary.
Science is the habit of knowing the knowable; it is a general habit given by the Holy Spirit to its people. The rule of law and order is maintained among the people through science, regulated with the virtues against vices. Science shows us how to use the temporal goods given by the Holy Spirit.
Science is general and includes many species, which are:
Infused science, which the Holy Spirit teaches directly, without any intermediary, to those to whom It gives it.
There are seven sciences called the liberal arts which the Holy Spirit gives through intermediaries, or teachers who are instruments through whom the holy Spirit gives these arts, namely: (1) Grammar, (2) Logic, (3) Rhetoric, (4) Music, (5) Arithmetic, (6) Geometry and (7) Astronomy.
The Holy Spirit gives science for defeating the vices with the help of the virtues, to oppose schisms and infidelity.
The Holy Spirit gives science to princes to show them how to govern, and to soldiers to show them how to uphold justice and keep peace on earth.
The Holy Spirit gives science to lawyers, so they may know which laws are proper and suitable for maintaining justice.
The Holy Spirit gives science to physicians, to show them how to provide for health.
The Holy Spirit gives political science, so that politics may be an instrument with which the people know how to maintain order in the city, through privileges, good morals, building streets and public places and through other things pertaining to civil government.
The Holy Spirit gives science to fathers of families, to show them how to govern and keep order in their families, and provide for their wives and children.
The Holy Spirit gives science, which includes many special sciences. These are the mechanical arts such as writing, commerce, navigation, fishing, carpentry or woodworking, metal work, agriculture, animal husbandry and other mechanical arts. Without these, man could not survive, nor use the good things graciously bestowed by the Holy Spirit, like money, land, vineyards, animals, and other such things.
The sciences given by the Holy Spirit are given with goodness, greatness, duration, power, intellect, love, virtue, delight and truth. And It gives them in this way, because It is good, great, durable, powerful, wise, virtuous, true and glorious. This is why those who study sciences given by the Holy Spirit must be good, and out of love for the Holy Spirit, do works that are great, durable, good, powerful, scientific, loving, virtuous, true and glorious, works that are sanctified by these qualities. Thus do men worthily use the sciences given by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit gives the science of good morals, with which its gifts can be used in a good, great, durable, powerful and virtuous way through the acts of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching, speaking, imagining, understanding, loving and remembering.
If an avaricious man receives science, his intellect receives this science from the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit gives science to the intellect, so it may understand generosity, which is opposed to avarice. Here is why an avaricious man is guilty: he is guilty because he receives science from the Holy Spirit and then uses it with avarice.
The Holy Spirit gives taste for eating and drinking; but if a gluttonous man uses taste in a greedy way, he acts against the Holy Spirit, Who is the creator and giver of taste.
The Holy Spirit gives pleasure through touch; but if a lustful man uses this pleasure in a lustful way, he commits a mortal sin against the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit gives beauty to men and women, and it gives wealth, and family honor; but one who becomes conceited commits the mortal sin of conceit against the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit wants man to be diligent in cultivating virtues and avoiding vices, and in asking It for indulgence and in having contrition. And if man neglects this, he is in mortal sin.
The Holy Spirit does not want man to be envious of the good things It graciously bestows. It wants to give patience to men tempted by anger. And It wants to give true words to men who tell lies. But if such men refuse to accept these gifts, they commit mortal sin and are bound for eternal punishment in hell.
We spoke about science, now let us pray the Holy Spirit to give us science for venerating and serving the Holy Spirit. Let us honor the Holy Spirit with love and reverence by saying one Our Father.

If anyone wants to make a sermon about intellect, let them state its definition, which will serve as the theme for the sermon.
First, let us pray the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to say, and to give you the grace to hear and put into practice these words said in Its praise, and for the salvation of our souls. And to honor Our Lady, Holy Mary, with love and reverence, let us say a Hail Mary.
The intellect is a power whose function is to understand. Therefore, the Holy Spirit gives intellect to man, so that he can understand the understandable things he understands, which are the objects of his intellect. And the Holy Spirit gives faith, so that faith can help the intellect to understand GOD and his works. Man cannot see anything without light and space, nor can the human intellect understand GOD, or the intrinsic operation that GOD has within Himself, without the light of faith; this is because GOD is invisible and unimaginable. Even so, it is wrong for anyone to say that man in this mortal coil cannot understand GOD, or the Holy Trinity, or any other Article of the creed.
The Holy Spirit gives intellect to man for fulfilling the greater purpose. Therefore the Holy Spirit gives man intellect to enable him to understand GOD and his Holy Trinity, which is the greatest final purpose wherein the intellect acquires its highest degree of nobility, which it attains in the Holy Spirit. Now if the Holy Spirit gave man intellect with which to understand the noblest of purposes, and if the intellect were unable to understand or apprehend it in this very life in which the Holy Spirit bestows this intellect, then the Holy Spirit would not be giving intellect to man in an orderly and holy manner, which is impossible. And this impossibility reveals the fact that in this present lifetime, the human intellect, thanks to the gift of grace given to it by the Holy Spirit, is able to understand the holy divine Trinity, in a holy, orderly and plausible manner.
Understanding is the intellect's natural act, and the act of believing is an instrument which the Holy Spirit gives to the intellect so it can naturally understand things, because no faculty can naturally act on its own without the help of some instrument.
The intellect is naturally able to produce physical sciences with the lesser powers subjected to it, namely the powers of sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, speech and imagination. Here, faith plays no instrumental part because the intellect is really nobler in natural goodness, greatness, power, duration, virtue etc., than any of the lesser potentials. But it cannot produce any science about GOD or about angels without using faith as a necessary instrument for understanding GOD and angels, whose superior goodness, greatness, duration, power and virtue are above and beyond the human intellect's reach. Even so, the human intellect enlightened by faith can understand GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit, thanks to the gift of order and holiness given to the human intellect by the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit gives the human intellect a natural property whereby it is more in harmony with the will through understanding than through believing. Hence, the human will can love what the intellect understands more than what it merely believes, as we compare understanding to belief. Given all this, it is wrong for anyone to say that man in this life must not understand the Holy Trinity, so he may gain that greater merit which he would lose if he happened to understand the Holy Trinity. And those who say such things speak out against the Holy Spirit, inasmuch as they love acquiring merits more than they love understanding the Holy Spirit.
Through understanding, the intellect is infinitely removed from ignorance, but through belief, it is not far from doubt. Hence, the human intellect receives a greater gift from the Holy Spirit when the Holy Spirit gives it the grace to understand, than when the Holy Spirit gives it the grace to believe.
The Holy Spirit gives faith to the intellect so it can believe the truths it cannot understand when it is not prepared to understand anything profound about GOD; such as the intellect of a mechanic, a carpenter or a blacksmith. As for those who are well versed in natural science or theology, the Holy Spirit can give more grace to their intellect through understanding than through believing; because believing is only meant to promote understanding. And believing is an instrument for understanding, whereas understanding is not an instrument for achieving belief. And this is what the prophet Isaiah meant when he said: "Unless you believe, you will not understand" (Is. 7, 9).
The intellect is more sanctified by understanding goodness than by believing in it. Hence, it receives a greater gift from the Holy Spirit when it understands divine goodness, than when it believes in it. And the same can be said about the other divine dignities, and about the divine Trinity.
This sermon is not aimed at the popular mentality, which would be incapable of understanding it. But it is aimed at literate people, trained in the natural sciences and theology.
We spoke of the intellect which the Holy Spirit bestows, and of its operations. And we therefore pray the Holy Spirit to give us the grace to understand It, as It is our Father. And in Its love and honor, let us reverently say an "Our Father".

If anyone wants to make a sermon about counsel, let him state its definition, which will serve as a theme for the sermon.
First, let us pray the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to say, and to you the grace to hear and put into practice these words spoken in Its honor and for the salvation of our souls. And in love, reverence and honor of Our Lady, Holy Mary, let us say a "Hail Mary".
Counsel is an instrument for sanctifying man's acts of understanding, loving and remembering, imagining, speaking, touching, tasting, smelling, hearing and seeing. Without such an instrument, man cannot use his ten natural powers in a holy manner. Therefore the Holy Spirit gives holy counsel, so that man can be holy in all his works, and so that with holiness he may serve and venerate GOD above everything, and with all his powers.
The Holy Spirit does not advise anyone to choose between doing good or evil; rather, it gives counsel to choose to do good, and to avoid evil; and this is because holiness is infinitely removed from evil.
The Holy Spirit advises man to make holy and sanctified use of the good graces It gives him in a holy way. And if man abuses these good things in an unholy manner, he is guilty of vicious abuse. In mortal sin, he is bound for the eternal fires of hell.
Counsel consists in propositions and questions even when it is not given by the Holy Spirit, but when given by the Holy Spirit, it consists in well determined propositions and questions. By this, you can tell whether or not the counsel is given by the Holy spirit. This doctrine is very useful to know, and is worth loving and remembering.
The Holy Spirit advises man to be just, because justice is holy. And It advises man to be prudent, because prudence is holy; and likewise with the other virtues, which are holy habits for sanctifying one's life.
The Holy Spirit does not advise man to be full of avarice, gluttony or other sins, because a man in sin cannot keep on honoring GOD with his remembering, understanding and willing: rather, he can only continue dishonoring GOD in this way.
As the Holy Spirit is good, It gives good counsel; as It is great, It gives great counsel; as It is durable, It gives lasting counsel; as It is powerful, It gives powerful counsel; as It is intelligent, It gives counsel for understanding things wisely; as It is love, It gives loving counsel; as It is virtue, It gives virtuous counsel; as It is true, It gives true counsel; as It is glory, It gives glorious counsel; as It is fulfillment, It gives full and complete counsel. And by this, one can tell whether or not counsel comes from the Holy Spirit.
With counsel given by the Holy Spirit, man begins what he wants to begin; and goes through the intermediate steps in a holy manner, and reaches the end in a holy way. Just as dark space is illuminated by sunlight or by fire, likewise, by the counsel given by the Holy Spirit, the whole beginning, the whole middle and the whole end are entirely illuminated.
The Holy Spirit gives the greatest counsel that can possibly be given, so that Its counsel is infinitely removed from sin.
Because the Holy Spirit proceeds from GOD the Father and GOD the Son, It proceeds in a holy way, and gives counsel in a holy manner. But It cannot give counsel in a holy manner unless man receives it in a holy way throughout his entire act of remembering, understanding and loving.
The Holy Spirit advises those in despair to hope for forgiveness of their sins. But It gives no counsel unless the sinner has hope in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy spirit gives counsel to the poor to make them rich in the Spirit, and It does this in a holy way.
The Holy Spirit gives counsel to those who are slandered so that they can be honored in the Spirit, and It does this in a holy way.
The Holy Spirit advises those in grief to be cheerful in the Spirit, and It does this in a holy way.
The Holy Spirit advises those who are anxious to take rest in the Spirit, and It does this in a holy way.
The Holy Spirit advises holy contrition, confession and satisfaction for sin.
The Holy Spirit advises prelates to continue honoring the Spirit with the same holiness as the holiness with which the Holy Spirit continues honoring the prelate with his rank.
The Holy Spirit advises leaders to continue honoring the Holy Spirit by ensuring that the Holy Spirit is honored under their leadership.
The Holy Spirit advises the religious to continue honoring the Holy Spirit without any hypocrisy.
The Holy Spirit advises judges to continue honoring the Holy Spirit through justice.
The Holy Spirit advises soldiers to continue honoring the Holy Spirit with the martial arts.
The Holy Spirit advises clergymen to continue honoring the Holy Spirit in their clerical functions.
The Holy Spirit advises popes, cardinals and kings to continue honoring the Holy Spirit in Jerusalem, in the kingdom of Egypt, along the Barabary coast and through all the lands of the Tartars.
We spoke of the counsel given by the Holy Spirit. And so, let us pray the Holy Spirit in a holy manner, with the holiness It gives us, as It is our Father. And in love, reverence and honor for It, let us say the "Our Father".

If anyone wants to make a sermon about fortitude, let him state the definition of fortitude, which will serve as a theme for the sermon.
First, let us pray the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to say, and to you the grace to hear and put into practice these words spoken in Its honor and for the salvation of our souls. And in love, reverence and honor of Our Lady, Holy Mary, let us say a "Hail Mary".
Fortitude given by the holy Spirit is an instrument with which man fortifies the strength of his natural constituent powers: namely, the active powers of intellect, love, memory, imagination, speech, touch, taste, smell, hearing and sight. And as these are merely naked potentials, they would have no natural fortitude for doing virtuous works without a virtuous instrument, and this instrument is fortitude given by the Holy Spirit.
Faith is fortitude which the Holy spirit gives to the human intellect, so its understanding can reach above and beyond its natural fortitude, so it can understand GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit, three singular divine persons, who are one GOD, one essence, substance and nature; and also to enable it to understand the other articles of faith with the fortitude of faith.
The Holy spirit gives charity to the human will, so it can love GOD above everything with the fortitude of charity, and its neighbor as itself.
The Holy Spirit gives hope as fortitude to memory, so that man may hope in GOD with the fortitude of hope and so GOD can help him out in his needs.
The Holy Spirit gives fortitude to the active powers of the senses and imagination, so that they can have different kinds of fortitude to produce sciences with the liberal and mechanical arts, law and medicine.
The Holy Spirit gives fortitude to honor the Ten GOD-given Commandments with this fortitude, to believe in the seven sacraments of the holy Church and to carry out in full the seven works of mercy.
The Holy Spirit gives justice as fortitude against injury; It gives prudence as fortitude against imprudence; It gives fortitude to the soul as fortitude against the soul's weakness; and It gives temperance as fortitude against gluttony.
The Holy Spirit gives holiness as fortitude against avarice, gluttony, lust, conceit, sloth, envy, anger and lying.
The Holy Spirit gave fortitude to Our Lady, when she conceived the Son of GOD.
The Holy Spirit gave fortitude to the humanity of Jesus Christ on the cross, and with it He redeemed mankind, which had been lost.
The Holy Spirit gives fortitude, as fortitude of good against evil.
The Holy Spirit gives great fortitude against small fortitude.
The Holy Spirit gives fortitude with which man endures and perseveres in good morals against evil morals.
The Holy Spirit gives fortitude against the temptations of the devil, the flesh and the world.
The Holy Spirit gives fortitude of fear, so that the fortitude of love may be gained through it.
The Holy Spirit gives patience as fortitude against impatience.
The Holy Spirit gives discretion as fortitude against indiscretion.
The Holy Spirit gives wisdom as fortitude against stupidity.
The Holy Spirit gives piety as fortitude against impiety.
The Holy Spirit gives wealth as fortitude against poverty.
The Holy Spirit gives consolation as fortitude against dejection.
The Holy Spirit gives counsel as fortitude against disinformation.
The Holy Spirit gives joy as fortitude against sadness
The Holy Spirit gives domination as fortitude against slavery.
The Holy Spirit gives legality as fortitude against falseness.
The Holy Spirit gives health as fortitude against illness.
The Holy Spirit gives being as fortitude against non being.
The Holy Spirit gives life as fortitude against death.
The Holy Spirit gives rain as fortitude against drought.
The Holy Spirit gives peace as fortitude against war.
The Holy Spirit gives rest as fortitude against anxiety and strife.
The Holy Spirit gives good ways as fortitude against evil ways.
The Holy Spirit gives love as fortitude against hate.
The Holy Spirit gives free will to earn merit with.
The Holy Spirit gives gives the people as fortitude to the prince.
We spoke about the fortitude given by the Holy Spirit. And if anyone wants to know and find it, let them seek for it along the paths described above; through these they will succeed in knowing and discovering it.
We showed what fortitude the Holy Spirit gives to virtuous people against sinners. And therefore we pray the Holy Spirit to mercifully give us the fortitude to listen to It, venerate It and to serve It above everything, because It is our Father. With love, reverence and in Its honor, let us say the "Our Father".

If anyone wants to make a sermon about piety, let them state the definition of piety, which will serve as a theme for the sermon.
First, let us pray the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to say, and to you the grace to hear and put into practice these words spoken in Its honor and for the salvation of our souls. And with love, reverence and in honor of Our Lady, Holy Mary, let us say a "Hail Mary".
Piety is an instrument with which one has compassion for good great men in need. As piety is a good and great instrument, it is given by the Holy Spirit Who has compassion for those who have compassion, with tears and sighs, for their fellow men when they see them in need.
The Holy Spirit is love, and It knows that a man who dies in sin will be deprived of all good things in hell. So It gives piety to man, as Its creature, so he may feel compassion toward himself, or feel some concern for himself.
The Holy Spirit gives one man to serve another man so they may help one another, and not lack any good thing. And the Holy Spirit bestows this gift of piety as an instrument for consolation, visitation, donation, mercy and forgiveness.
The Holy Spirit gives piety to the rich so they can feel compassion or pity for the poor, because both are of the same human nature, and so that both may generally participate in the goodness of love.
The Holy Spirit gives piety to the poor man, so he may feel concern for himself and have hope in the rich man, to whom the Holy spirit gives piety so that both rich and poor in general can participate in piety.
The Holy Spirit has no compassion for a man who has no compassion either for himself or for his neighbor; because piety follows charity, as a daughter follows her mother.
GOD the Holy Spirit proceeds from GOD the Father and GOD the Son through love, and the Holy Spirit is love. Hence, It gives piety, which proceeds through love from the rich man loving his poor neighbor.
GOD the Holy spirit gives piety, so that piety can produce weeping and sighs with supplication to the Holy spirit for its bounties, in praying the Holy Spirit to give gifts of grace to the poor, to enable them to get the food, clothes and shelter they need; and to heal the sick through the good gifts of grace, so they can serve GOD.
Since piety is a blood relative of contrition, confession and satisfaction, the Holy Spirit gives piety which makes man merciful, gracious, giving and forgiving.
The Holy spirit gives piety with goodness, to make it a good virtue. And It gives it with greatness, to make it a great virtue; and it gives it with duration, so that man may persevere in it. And It gives it with power, so that man may have sighs and tears with this power. And It gives it with intellect, so that man may understand piety, and turn his will toward piety. And It gives it with love, so that this piety is a loving piety. And It gives it with delight, so it can be a habit of consolation.
The Holy Spirit gives piety with justice against injury, with prudence against imprudence, with fortitude of the soul against weakness of the soul, with temperance against intemperance, with faith against infidelity, with hope against despair, with charity against iniquity, and with wisdom against stupidity.
The Holy Spirit gives piety with generosity against avarice, with abstinence against gluttony, with chastity against lust, with humility against conceit, with diligence against sloth, with legality against envy, with patience against anger, and with truth against falsehood.
The Holy Spirit gives piety, so that the anxious man may find rest through piety. It gives piety against hypocrisy; It gives piety against vainglory; and It gives piety against rudeness.
The Holy Spirit gives piety, to make the eyes weep, and the ears hear about Its powerful works; and so that rich men may not feel ashamed of associating with poor men; and so that food be given to the poor; and so that the poor be clothed; and so that man may apprehend and imagine the needs and the infirmities sustained by poor and needy people; and so that GOD be understood to be a compassionate GOD; and so that GOD be loved for his piety; and so that the gifts given by GOD be remembered, as well as the sins forgiven by Him.
The Holy Spirit gives piety to prelates, so they may exercise their prelate's functions in a pious manner. And It gives piety to princes, so they may rule in a pious manner.
We showed in what ways the Holy Spirit gives piety. Hence, the preacher should declare these ways to the people, so they may have piety, with which they can serve the Holy Spirit, Who gives it to them.
This sermon is finished. And we pray the Holy Spirit to give us piety, as It is our Father. Now with love and reverence for It, and in Its honor, let us say the "Our Father".

If anyone wants to make a sermon about fear, let them state its definition, which will serve as a theme for the sermon.
First, let us pray the Holy Spirit to give me the grace to say, and to you the grace to hear and put into practice these words spoken in Its honor and for the salvation of our souls. And in love and reverence for Our Lady, Holy Mary, and in her honor, let us say a "Hail Mary".
Fear is the consequence of good and great love. And the Holy Spirit gives this fear, so that man may fear losing the love of GOD above all other loves. Some fear losing paradise and going to hell, but this fear is not chiefly motivated by love of GOD, it is not a fear engendered by love of GOD, and as such it is of small benefit for anyone to harbor this fear.
Fear of an enemy is not the same as fear of losing a good friend. The former kind of fear is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives the latter kind of fear, which makes one afraid to lose a good friend.
The Holy Spirit gives fear with justice, so that justice may be loved.
The Holy Spirit gives fear with prudence, so man may fear to forsake his prudence.
The Holy Spirit gives the fear that makes man afraid of losing the fortitude of his soul.
The Holy Spirit gives fear to help exercise temperance.
The Holy Spirit gives fear so that love for the articles of faith may grow.
The Holy Spirit gives fear so that hope can be loved even more.
The Holy Spirit gives fear so that charity can be loved more and more.
The Holy Spirit gives fear, so that wisdom can be more greatly loved.
An avaricious man's fear of being poor is not given by the Holy Spirit; as things stand, the Holy Spirit gives fear to the generous man, to increase his love of goodness and generosity.
A glutton's fear of not having lots of food and drink is not given by the Holy Spirit, as the Holy Spirit rather gives man a fear of losing his sense of temperance.
A lustful man's fear of being deprived of sex is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives man fear to help him love chastity.
A conceited man's fear is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives man fear to help him love humility.
A slothful man's fear of sinking into poverty is not given by the Holy Spirit, who gives fear to the diligent man so he may acquire wealth and serve GOD.
An envious man's fear that keeps him from stealing the things he would like to steal is not given by the Holy Spirit, who gives fear so that legality may be loved.
An angry man's fear of killing someone is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives man the fear of disobeying GOD's precept, which commands that man must have patience.
A liar telling a lie feels a fear which he would not have if he were telling the truth; this fear is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives man fear so that he may love truth, and be afraid to lie because he loves the truth.
The fear that men have of sustaining hardships in the service of GOD is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives man a fear of being idle and not serving GOD, so that he may desire to endure many hardships for the love of GOD.
Prelates must face great toil and anxiety in carrying out their duties well. And the fear felt by the prelate who is afraid of enduring this toil is not of the kind given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives prelates fear of having to account to GOD for the people entrusted to them.
If a prince is afraid of being disgraced for dishonoring GOD, this fear is given by the Holy Spirit. And if he fears disgrace for the contrary reason, then it is a fear given by the evil spirit.
Fear of dying in sin is fear given by the Holy Spirit.
One's fear of falling ill because he wants to be healthy in order to serve GOD, is given by the Holy Spirit.
Loving oneself more than GOD is sinful love, and the fear engendered by such love comes from the evil spirit.
One's love for venerating oneself more than GOD does not engender the kind of fear which is given by the Holy Spirit.
If a Christian is afraid of not having the true faith, his fear is not given by the Holy Spirit, Who rather gives him fear so he may love to believe in the true faith.
When a Christian is afraid that by understanding the faith, he would lose any merit gained by merely believing in it, his fear is not given by the Holy Spirit, as the Holy Spirit rather gives the kind of fear through which greater merit is acquired by simply believing in GOD, than by believing in order to accumulate merit.
The man who is afraid that GOD will not want to forgive his sins, does not have a fear given by the Holy Spirit, but rather by the devil, who is a sinful spirit.
The man who is afraid that people will laugh at him if he goes to work in GOD's service, has the kind of fear that is not given by the Holy Spirit, but rather by the devil, the world and the flesh.
We showed how the Holy Spirit gives fear, and how the Holy Spirit does not give fear. And the preacher must declare these two ways to the people, so they may fear losing GOD and the love of GOD, and even fear losing every kind of good love. And therefore we pray the Holy Spirit to give us the fear which is a consequence of Its love, as It is our Father. And with love and reverence for It, and in Its honor, let us say the "Our Father".

Raymond finished this book about the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit in the month of February, in the city of Majorca, in the year 1312 A.D. of the incarnation of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

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