Article 71 - Questions about Honor

85. What is honor? What priority does someone who honors another have over the one who is honored by him? Why is someone who vituperates against another more subject to vituperation than the one who is vituperated against? Why can someone who strives to be honored never find his fill of honor? Answer: because only God must be honored by men. Is seeking greater honor for oneself than for God a worse sin than sin committed through avarice or some other vice? Does God require anything more from men except that they honor Him? Which is the greater sign of God's honor: is it the honor of the giver of honor, or the honor of the recipient of honor? Go to article 71.

Article 72 - Questions about Capacity

86. What is capacity? What is the difference between capacity and incapacity? What is the cause of intellectual dullness? Why is the intellect more capable of counting an infinite number of units, supposing it had enough objects, than fire is capable of burning up all bodies if it had enough wood? Is the intellect as such more capable of understanding than of ignorance? Go to article 72.

Article 73 - Questions about Existence and Agency

87. What is existence? What is agency? Is there some existence that can contain in itself as much agency as being?  Can the principles of the first figure exist in any essence without agency? Can the separated intellect's understanding be equal to its existence? Can principles exist in subjects without the empowerment of power? Go to article 73.

Article 74 - Questions about Comprehension

88. What is comprehension; and what is apprehension? How does the intellect comprehend and apprehend things? Why can the senses not comprehend the sense objects that they sense as much as the intellect can comprehend them by its understanding? Can the intellect understand intelligible things more than fire can ignite ignitable things? Why are the faculties impeded by apprehension but not by comprehension? Would heaven moving in eternity comprehend more days than the amount of firewood that fire could comprehend by burning it? The answer is yes, because heaven would be causing days in its own essence, whereas fire does not cause wood either in itself or in other things. Through comprehension and apprehension, are the intellect, heaven and fire similar signs of God's infinity and of the world's creation? Go to article 74.

Article 75 - Questions about Discovery

89. What is discovery? What is discovered? Where does the intellect discover its discoveries? Is discovery an innate habit? Can the intellect discover any discoveries outside of its own essence? How, and with what does the intellect discover what it discovers? Are discovered things the subjects of science? Does the imagination discover the imagined object outside of its own essence? Does a sense discover sensible objects outside of its own essence? Go to article 75.

Article 76 - Questions about Similitude

90. What is similitude? What things does similitude arise from? What things does similitude consist of? In which ways are the agent and the patient similar? How can diverse things be similar? Why can't similitude exist without concordance? What are the higher and lower similitudes? In which ways are priority and posteriority similar? Does God have anything similar to Himself? Does one similitude move another one? Does one similar thing arise from another similar to itself? Does the intellect have any things similar to itself? Are there more similitudes than dissimilitudes? Go to article 76.

Article 77 - Questions about the Antecedent and the Consequent

91. What is antecedent; and what is consequent? Is there necessarily a medium between the antecedent and the consequent? Can the antecedent and the consequent exist without the correlatives of the principles? Is the ultimate end antecedent or consequent? And we ask: given that animal is a genus and man is a species, how come man is antecedent and animal is consequent? Why is the antecedent prior and the consequent posterior? Go to article 77.

Article 78 - Questions about Power, Object and Act

92. What are power, object and act? Does the act stand in the middle between the power and the object? Is an act both moving and moved? Is a power both moving and moved? Does the power move itself with the object, or does the object simply move the power? Is the object's mobility prior or posterior? Does an act have an intrinsic and an extrinsic object? Which object is prior: is it the intrinsic one or the extrinsic one? Go to article 78.

Article 79 - Questions about Generation, Corruption and Privation

93. What is generation; what is corruption; and what is privation? Do generation, corruption and privation exist together simultaneously in a subject? Is generation active and corruption passive? Can one and the same agent both generate and corrupt? Does privation belong to the genus of generation and corruption? Does privation imply essence? Can the senses perceive generation, corruption and privation? Are generation, corruption and privation natural principles? Does corruption exist between generation and privation? Does corruption exist between being and non being? Go to article 79.

Article 80 - Questions about Theology

94. What is Theology? Is Theology a science? In what way is Theology a science? Can one know that God exists? Can one know that God is not a plant, a stone or anything like that? Can God's correlatives be known? Can God be defined? Can God's essence be known? Can God's science and charity be known? Can God's justice and mercy be known? Can one know that there is no God? Can any imperfection be known in God? Can God's perfection be known? Does the human intellect earn more merit by understanding God than by believing in Him? Is God as intelligible as He is lovable? Does faith elevate the intellect to understand God as much as charity elevates the will to love God? In objectifying God, does hope stand between understanding and loving? In what way can a true law be recognized? In what way cam many true things be said with understanding and love? Go to article 80.

Article 81 - Questions about Philosophy

95. What is Philosophy? What is the greatest subject for the philosophizing intellect? In what way is the intellect very general? In what way is the intellect highly trained in artifice for attaining its object? Can the intellect rise aloft without great disposition and proportion? When disposition and proportion fail, does the intellect fail? Is Philosophy an image of Theology? Without Philosophy, can the intellect use its natural resources? Can the intellect rise aloft without art? Is the intellect removed from ignorance by art? Go to article 81.

Article 82 - Questions about Geometry

96. What is Geometry? What is the subject of Geometry? With what does Geometry measure measurable things? Can a theologian measure the principles of the first figure like a geometer measures acute and right angles? From which principles are measurements derived? What are the subjects of measurement? Is quantity the habit of quantum? Through which explicit principle is Geometry explained in this art? Are the nine subjects subject matter for Geometry? Can geometers measure the nine subjects with their methods? With which principle and method is Geometry discussed in this art? Question: where are the loci that apply to Geometry? Answer: wherever quantity is dealt with. How does the intellect discover and use Geometry? By what method does Geometry abstract and multiply mathematical measurements from sensible objects? In what way does a geometer multiply extrasensory angles from the angles perceived by the senses? Does the geometer make science about quantity that is sensed, or about extrasensory quantity? Is Geometry a subject, sign or instrument for theologians to measure Theology, for philosophers to measure nature, and for moralists to measure morals? In Geometry, which measurements are prior and which ones are posterior? By what method can a geometer measure an extended circular line and square the circle? How can a circle be squared, in other words, how can we measure a circular line with a quadrangular line and vice versa? Go to article 82.

Article 83 - Questions about Astronomy

97. What is Astronomy? Does Astronomy depend on Geometry? Is there another eighth sphere, or another world, or another starry sky? Given that the Sun is not hot, why does it heat air? Many other questions can be made about Astronomy, and their solutions are implicit in the third subject, which is heaven. For instance, we may ask: supposing that there were another eighth sphere, would there be any actual or potential distance or closeness between them? Go to article 83.

Article 84 - Questions about Arithmetic

98. What is Arithmetic? Does Arithmetic depend on Geometry? What are the prime principles of Arithmetic? What is the cause of number? How many species of numbers are there? Which come first: the even numbers or the odd numbers? What are the correlatives of number? Question: how is the first unit the beginning of numbers and how are the first and second units the beginnings of the third unit? Why is number perfected in three units? Is the third unit as close to the first unit as to the second? What is the prime multiplication of numbers? In what way are Geometry and Arithmetic similar? Go to article 84.

Article 85 - Questions about Music

99. What is Music? Why is there Music? By which principles is the definition of Music signified? Why are there six steps in the musical scale? What are the prime principles of voice? Why are there neither more nor less than five vowels? From what does voice arise? From what things do consonants arise? Why is the letter E composed with more letters than is the letter A, and A with more than U,? And why do I and O produce no consonants as do A and U? How do the vowels apply to the different elements? Why is the vowel O attributed to heaven? Is Music descended from Geometry? Go to article 85.

Article 86 - Questions about Rhetoric

100. What is Rhetoric? Why is there Rhetoric? What are the principles of Rhetoric? How does thr rhetorician color and adorn one principle with another? How is the subject adorned by the predicate? How is a subject adorned with its correlatives? How is one correlative adorned by another? How are subjects adorned with definitions? How does a rhetorician adorn a proposition with the natural medium between the subject and the predicate? How does a rhetorician adorn a proposition with an accidental medium? With what kind of meaningful expressions does the rhetorician color his words? Why do expressions that signify ugly things not belong to Rhetoric? Why are old age, death, October, November and things like this signs that mean ugly things? How does a rhetorician use beautiful words to praise his friend and vituperate against his enemy? How does a rhetorician adorn his words according to various walks of life? In how many degrees does a rhetorician adorn his words? How does the rhetorician adorn a noun with an adjective? How does the rhetorician adorn and color form with matter and vice versa? With what medium does the rhetorician adorn the beginning and the end? Why does the rhetorician adorn his words more with substantial principles than with accidental ones? How does the rhetorician color his words with possibility and impossibility? How does a rhetorician color his words with proverbs or examples? Go to article 86.

Article 87 - Questions about Logic

101. What is Logic? With what does a logician draw necessary conclusions? How does a logician investigate and inquire into the medium between the subject and the predicate? How does the logician deal with the five predicables and the ten predicates? To which principles of this art does Logic apply? Why can't a logician stand up against a natural philosopher? How can we tell that this art is general whereas Logic is something particular? Why is Logic shaky and unstable, but this art is not? Why is Logic inadequate for discovering the true law, and why is this art adequate? How is this art different from Logic? Given that Logic is contained in this art, how come this art is easier to learn and more permanent than Logic? Go to article 87.

Article 88 - Questions about Grammar

102. What is Grammar? Into how many modes is Grammar divided? How does Grammar apply to this art? To which principles do nouns apply? To which principles do pronouns apply? To which loci of this art do verbs apply? Where do participles apply in this art? Where do conjunctions apply in this art? Where are adverbs implied? Where are prepositions implied? Where are interjections implied? Where is the nominative case implied? Where is the genitive case implied? Where is the dative case implied? Where is the accusative case implied? Where is the vocative case implied? Where is the ablative case implied? Where does conjugation apply? Where do declensions apply? Where does gender apply? Where is governance implied? Where does construction apply? Where does spelling apply? Where are figures of speech implied? We ask: what is the source of grammar? Go to article 88.

Article 89 - Questions about Morality

103. What is morality? Where are the loci which apply to morality in this art? How is virtue multiplied? How is vice multiplied? How can people use the third figure to exercise the virtues well and to destroy the vices with it? How can we investigate the virtues and the vices with the fourth figure? How are the virtues and vices discovered? How does man acquire virtues or vices, and what is their subject? How can man rise aloft in prayer and contemplation? Go to article 89.

Article 90 - Questions about Politics

104. What are Politics? Where do Politics arise from? How should we deal with the public good? With which correlatives do we recognize Politics? In what way are Politics order in sense objects? Do Politics include well being? Are Politics descended from Rhetoric? What are the conditions of Politics? What is the general form of Politics, and what is their particular form? With what kind of men are Politics healthy, and with what kind of men are Politics unhealthy? With what things do Politics live, and with what things do they die? Go to article 90.

Article 91 - Questions about Law

105. What is Law? What are the prime principles of Law? What is the subject of Law? To which principles is divine Law attributed? To which principles is natural Law attributed? To which principles is civil Law attributed? To which principles is positive Law attributed? How does Law exist in other things? Where does Law have its form and its matter? What does Law consist of? Why is there Law? How does Law relate to judgment? Is justice the form of Law and the subject of Law? How can justice be the form and the subject of Law? With which principles is law discussed and discovered? How does law transit from necessity to contingency? How do we know whether a written law is true, or that a law is a deformed fantasy? We ask: in what way is law true and necessary? How can positive law be reduced to true and necessary law? If some positive law cannot be reduced to necessary law, is it a true law? How can a law be tested and known? How is a law proved, fortified and clarified? We ask: is law a science? Does written law depend more on belief than on understanding? In what way do credible laws differ from intelligible laws? What kind of laws appeal most to the conscience: credible ones, or intelligible ones? Is law healthy when it is understood and unhealthy when it is believed? Why does written law depend more on the memory than on the intellect? Why is there such prolixity in written law? Are belief and remembering the causes of prolixity in laws? How is written law situated in the soul's faculties? Would it be good to transfer law from belief to understanding? How are the form and matter of law discovered? Do jurists do injury to law, and if so, how do they do this? Go to article 91. Many other questions could be made,and their solutions are implicit in the said paragraphs. Now the intellect wonders: why do high ranking leaders not reduce law to the intellect, given that the intellect has priority over memory.

Article 92 - Questions about Medicine

106. What is Medicine? To which principles can Medicine be reduced? With which principles is health the subject of Medicine? How does a physician produce the second mixture of remedies from the prime mixture? What are the prime principles of Medicine? Does Medicine require that the physician use his imagination to imagine imaginable objects drawn from sense objects, so that the intellect can make a science of Medicine? Is Medicine a science? In Medicine, which faculty of the soul plays the leading role, and which faculty is secondary? With which principle, or principles does the physician know how to apply Medicine? What are the signs of Medicine? Are the signs of Medicine addressed first to the understanding, next to belief, then to the imagination and to the senses? Why is Medicine so difficult and so verbose? In a herbal decoction, which herb has greater virtue, and which herb has lesser virtue? In a decoction of roses and violets, which herb prevails in virtue? How does a physician know how to graduate decoctions or ointments? Are the elementative and vegetative powers subjects of Medicine? And if they are, we ask: how can they be discussed in medical terms? How can the principles and rules of this art be used to test the writings of physicians of former times? Question: how can positive Medicine be reduced to natural Medicine? Is Medicine healthy through understanding and unhealthy through belief? Go to article 92. Many other questions could be made about Medicine, and their solutions are implicit in the said paragraphs.

Article 93 - Questions about Governance

107. What is governance? What is the subject of governance? Are virtues ways of governance? And if they are, we ask whether they are ways of governance in the way they are discussed in the ninth subject? When the virtues are discussed with the general principles, do they remain hidden? Does a virtue remain hidden because of contingencies? Does the ruler need to know God in the way He is discussed in the first subject? And if the ruler does not know how to learn this, we ask whether he should have an advisor who does know? Does a ruler need to know the human condition? And if he does not know it, we ask whether he should have a man who does know it as set out in the fourth subject? Should the ruler know about the imagination as in the fifth subject? Should the ruler have knowledge of the sixth subject? How can governance be reduced to the principles of this art? Should a ruler use the art to teach his son about governance? Go to article 93.

Article 94 - Questions about Chivalry

108. What is chivalry? Is victory the subject of chivalry? Why is there chivalry? Must a knight know what chivalry is? Must a knight have prudence? Must a knight have fortitude? What superior weapons guarantee that the knight wins and does not lose? Can chivalry be reduced to a liberal art? Is nobility a tradition of chivalry? Should a knight know how the imaginative power is discussed in the fifth subject and the sensitive powers in the sixth subject? Why are there times when just a few knights defeat many enemies?  Go to article 94.

Article 95 - Questions about Commerce

109. What is commerce? Which principles must govern relations between buyers and sellers? Is acquiring something more in return for something less the subject of commerce? How must a merchant use the natural faculties of his soul to deal with the subject of commerce? Are some merchants better than others? The answer is yes, because some know better than others how to use the soul's higher and lower faculties. Can positive commerce be reduced to this art? How do some merchants earn more money than others? Can a merchant use rule E to avoid contingencies? How must a merchant deal with time, place and persons? With what does a merchant know how to use proper and appropriated things in trade? With what can commerce be recognized as a perfect habit of the buyer and the seller? Go to article 95.

Article 96 - Questions about Navigation

110. What is navigation? From which arts is navigation derived? What is the subject of navigation? What figure shows the image of navigation? Is a figure or image the subject of navigation? We ask: how is distance in miles caused and multiplied through straight and slanted lines? What is the difference between navigational theory and practice? How do four miles result in three miles? How can motion composed of straight and slanted lines be known? How can sailors tell where the ship is at sea? How can sailors tell how near or far apart mountains are? How does a wind incline more toward one wind than toward another one? How do sailors recognize winds of different nature? How are the qualities of rain recognized? How can winds be told from the colors of clouds? How does rain signify one kind of wind and not another? How is a whirlwind situated? Go to article 96.

Article 97 - Questions about Conscience

111. What is conscience? How is conscience situated in the soul? Does the ninth subject provide the disposition of conscience? What causes a great conscience? What causes a small conscience? With what things does the subject of temperate conscience exist? Where does conscience arise, and where does it not arise? With the definitions of which principles do we study conscience? With what things can conscience be recognized? What are the effects of conscience? Are the effects of conscience also its signs? Where is conscience with love? How does conscience exist in time? With what things does conscience live, and with what things does it die? With what things is conscience fortified?  How does conscience grow? With what things is conscience bound or unbound? Why doesn't conscience sleep? How does the intellect artificially recognize and perceive conscience? Go to article 97.

Article 98 - Questions about Preaching

112. What is preaching? What is the subject of preaching? What provides great material for preaching? Can preaching be great without artifice? Without art, is preaching haphazard? How can preaching be hazardous? How can preaching be easy and praiseworthy? How can preaching be fruitful? We ask: how must a preacher order and equalize his intellect and his will? In a sermon, is memory left idle without artifice? How can vainglory sometimes creep into a sermon? How must a preacher habituate his audience with love and fear? In a sermon, how must the intellect discourse through the higher and lower faculties? Should a preacher use the natural medium between the subject and the predicate more than the accidental medium? Are the natural and accidental media between the subject and the predicate found in the ninth subject? How can a sermon be useless? Given that there are many sermons, the intellect wonders how come more people do not turn away from sin? Then the intellect remembers that this is because preachers do not teach about the natural medium that exists between the subject and the predicate. How should the expressions of a theme be evacuated and clarified? Is a sermon more useful through belief or through understanding? Does a preacher need to be trained in Geometry, Arithmetic, Rhetoric and Logic? Why should a preacher be a philosopher and a theologian? Must a preacher adhere to the definitions of terms? How is it easy to find definitions for terms? Must a preacher give great knowledge of God? To which three loci must the preacher apply his sermon? How can a sermon be reduced to the art? Go to article 98.

Article 99 - Questions about Prayer

113. What is prayer? We ask: how are good prayers made? We ask: how is the greatest, loftiest and sweetest prayer made? How does a contemplative rise aloft in prayer to God's essence with the principles and rules in the third figure?  How does a contemplative rise aloft in prayer to God and his dignities with the fourth figure? How does a contemplative rise aloft in prayer to God with the columns of the table? How does a contemplative rise aloft in prayer to God by following the method with which God is discussed in the first subject? How does the contemplative rise aloft in prayer through the eight subjects signified by C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K? How is prayer well formed, or misshapen; fruitful or destructive? How is prayer made with justice? How is prayer made with belief or faith? How is prayer made with continence? How is prayer made in prosperity and in adversity? How is prayer made with the senses and the imagination? How is prayer made with the memory, the intellect and the will? How is prayer made with the hundred forms? How does a contemplative pray for common and for special good? Go to article 99.

Article 100 - Questions about Memory with the Principles

114. What is memory? How can memory be perfectly known? What disposes the memory to be morally good? Does memory have objects of recollection that are as great as the intellect's objects of understanding and the will's objects of desire? How is memory conditioned by past things? How can the memory act with power? How is memory conditioned by the intellect and the will? How does memory relate to virtue and vice? How is memory true or false? Through which habit does memory cause joy or sadness? Does memory have difference in its recall just as the intellect has difference in its understanding? Does memory have its own things to concord with, as the intellect and the will have? Why does memory contradict the intellect and the will? How does memory relate to the beginning? Does memory have its own coessential medium? What is the end of memory? Does memory wax or wane? Is one memory greater than another? Is the essence of memory equally common to the intellect and to the will? How does the memory relate to understanding and belief, and to wanting or hating? How is memory a privative habit? Go to article 100.

Article 101 - Questions about Memory with the Rules

115. Does memory receive species from the intellect sooner than from the will? As we already asked what memory is, now let us ask: what things does memory essentially contain in itself? What is memory in science? Does memory act in the subject and the object? Does memory exists on its own? Does memory act in accordance with its species? To whom does memory belong? Does memory consist of matter and form? What is the intent of memory? Why is memory indivisible? Without discrete quantity, can memory have correlatives? What is the proper passion of memory? What is the appropriated passion of memory? How does memory exist in time? Why is memory more powerful in dealing with the past than with the future? Where does memory store its species? How is memory disposed toward its object? With what does memory forget? Go to article 101, where memory is discussed with the rules.

We are done with the questions about the tenth part of this book, and we have provided a doctrine whereby the artist will know how to make questions and refer them to their loci. The practice of this art consists mainly in solving questions.
