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Principles | | |
TD Contrariety
Definition: Contrariety is the mutual
resistance of certain things due to their
divergent ends.
Clarification: just as some sense objects
are concordant with others, some are
contrary to others, like whiteness and
blackness, hot and cold, heavy and light,
or like sensual goodness and badness in
the sensual nature of concrete sense
objects. There is also contrariety between
sensual and intellectual things, like
between the body and the soul by reason
of visibility and invisibility, corruption and
incorruptibility, and between intellectual
and intellectual things, like willingness
and unwillingness, understanding and
ignoring and so forth.
Contrariety exists in two ways: real and
objective. Real contrariety is found for
instance between fire and water, air and
earth in the same elemented subject, or
between knowing and ignoring when in
doubt, and between love and hate etc.
Objective contrariety exists, for instance,
between being and non being, something
and nothing, or between fire and water in
distinct subjects that do not resist each
other; in the opposite sense, the same is
understood about concordance.
Contrariety is a necessary principle of this
Art that enables the artist to know the
conditions of one contrary thing through
those of another one opposed to it and
vice versa, and to ascend to the
knowledge of supreme contrariety against
supreme concordance. Supreme
contrariety is what opposes supreme
concordance in the beginning and middle
and impedes the good, great end of
supreme concordance. There is also
lesser contrariety, as between fire and
water etc., and there is concordance in
generation and contrariety in corruption,
and so forth.
Nature: The fullness and nature of
contrariety consist in the accidental
opponent, the opposed and the opposition
between them.
Without contrariety, beings could never
decay, pass from being to non being,
return from act to potentiality, or part if
they are joined. It is the essence without
which no being could oppose anything,
and without which knowable pairs of
opposites would elude our knowledge
when considered in terms of majority and