Ars Brevis

bullet110. Application

bullet2 The 100 Forms

12. The Hundred Forms

This part contains the hundred forms with their definitions, which put the subjects within the intellect's reach. The definitions of the forms enable the intellect to discuss them with the principles and rules, through this discourse the intellect learns about the forms as their definitions combine with the questions.

1. Entity is what enables a thing to cause something else.
2. Essence is a form abstracted from being and sustained in being.
3. Unity is a form that functions by uniting.
4. Plurality is a form aggregated from several things of different identities.
5. Nature is a form that functions by naturizing.
6. Genus is identified as an intensely blended subject predicated of many things different in species. 
7. Species is something predicated of a number of individually different things. 
8. Individuality is the terminus which is farther removed from genus than anything else.
9. Property is the form with which the doer acts in a specific way.
10. Simplicity is the form which is farther removed from composition than anything else.
11. Composition is a form aggregated from several essences.
12. Form is the essence with which the agent acts on matter.
13. Matter is a simply passive essence.
14. Substance is something that exists on its own.
15. Accident is a form that does not exist on its own, and is not an end in itself.
16. Quantity is a form with which a subject has quantity and acts with quantity.
17. Quality is what qualifies the principles.
18. Relation is a form involved in several diverse things without which it cannot exist.
19. Action is a form inherent in its passive counterpart.
20. Passion is something that inherently subsists on action.
21. Habitus is a form which clothes its subjects.
22. Situation is the rightly ordered position of parts in a subject.
23. Time is that in which created things begin and move. Or: time is something made of a sequence many present instants following one another.
24. Locus is an accident by which things are located. Or: locus is the surface which surrounds and immediately contains the parts of a body.
25. Motion is an instrument with which the mover moves the moved. Or: motion is that which participates in the nature of the beginning, the middle and the end.
26. Immobility is something which has no appetite to move.
27. Instinct is a figure and likeness of the intellect. Or: instinct is a naturally innate regulation of principles inherent to natural operation.
28. Appetite is a figure and likeness of the will. Or: appetite is a habitus with which the doer seeks repose in the end.
29. Attraction is the form with which the attractor attracts the attracted. Or: attraction is a form with an instinct and appetite for attracting things to its subject.
30. Reception is the form with which the receiver receives the received. Or: reception is a form with an instinct and appetite for attracting things to its subject.
31. A phantasm is a likeness drawn from things by the imagination.
32. Fullness is a form removed from emptiness.
33. Diffusion is a form with which the diffuser diffuses the diffused.
34. Digestion is a form with which the digester digests the digestible.
35. Expulsion is a form with which nature expels from subjects the things which do not belong to them.
36. Signification is the revelation of secrets by demonstrative signs.
37. Beauty is a lovely form received with pleasure by the sight, or the hearing, or the imagination, or the mind.
38. Newness is a form on account of which subjects are clothed in new habits.
39. Idea in God is God, but in newness it is a creature.
40. Metaphysics is a form with which the human intellect strips subjects of their accidents.
41. Potentially existing things are forms which exist in their subjects without any motion, quantity, quality and so forth.
42. Punctuality is the essence of the natural point, which is the smallest physical particle.
43. A line is a length made of many continuous points, with two points as its extremes.
44. A triangle is a figure with three angles contained in three lines.
45. A quadrangle is a figure with four right angles.
46. A circle is a figure contained in a circular line.
47. A body is a substance full of points, lines and angles.
48. A figure is an accident made of position and habit.
49. The general directions are six diametrical lines with body at their center.
50. Monstrosity is a deviation of natural motion.
51. Derivation is a general subject through which particulars descend from universals.
52. Shadow is the privative habit of light.
53. A mirror is a diaphanous body disposed to receive all shapes put before it.
54. Color is a habit contained by shape.
55. Proportion is the form which functions by proportioning things.
56. Disposition is the form which functions by disposing things.
57. Creation is an idea in eternity, but in time it is a creature.
58. Predestination is an idea in God's wisdom, but in creation it is a creature.
59. Mercy is an idea in eternity, but in predestined things it is a creature.
60. Necessity is a form that cannot be otherwise, and it is contained in necessitated things.
61. Fortune is an accident inherent to its subject, and to which the fortunate man is receptive.
62. Order is the form which functions by ordering, and ordered things are its subjects.
63. Counsel is a proposition about a doubtful subject and it comes to rest in the one who receives it.
64. Grace is a primordial form placed in its receiver without any merit on the receiver's part.
65. Perfection is a form which functions by perfecting its perfect subject.
66. Clarification is a form in which the intellect's discernment reposes, and a clarified thing is a subject clothed with clarification.
67. Transubstantiation is nature's act in transubstantiated things stripped of their old forms and clothed in new ones.
68. Alteration is a form arising in altered things.
69. Infinity is a form with an infinite act removed from all that is finite.
70. Deception is a positive habit of the deceiver and a privative habit of the deceived.
71. Honor is an active habit in the one who gives it and a passive habit in the one receiving it.
72. Capacity is a form enabling capacious things to receive and contain what is supplied to them.
73. Existence is a form with which existing things are what they are. Agency is a form which moves an existing thing toward its goal.
74. Comprehension is a likeness of infinity, and apprehension is a likeness of finiteness.
75. Heuristics is a form with which the intellect discovers its discoveries.
76. Likeness is a form with which the assimilator assimilates the assimilated.
77. The antecedent form is the one which causes the consequent, and the consequent is the subject in which the antecedent reposes.
78. The power is the form with which the intellect attains its object; the object is the subject in which the intellect reposes; the act is the connection of the power to the object.
79. Generation in creatures is a form with which agents cause new forms. Corruption is a form with which corrupting agents deprive old forms. Privation is the medium between generation and corruption.
80. Theology is the science which speaks of God.
81. Philosophy is a subject through which the intellect reaches out to all sciences.
82. Geometry is an art invented for measuring lines, angles and figures.
83. Astronomy is the art with which astronomers know the virtues and movements effected by Heaven in things below.
84. Arithmetic is an art invented for counting many units.
85. Music is an art invented for coordinating many concordant voices in one song.
86. Rhetoric is an art invented for rhetoricians to adorn and color their words.
87. Logic is the art with which logicians find the natural conjunction between the subject and the predicate.
88. Grammar is an art for finding the correct way to speak and write.
89. Morality is a habit for doing either good or evil.
90. Politics is an art with which citizens provide for the public good of the city.
91. Law is a regulated act in men habituated with justice.
92. Medicine is a habit with which physicians provide for their patients' health.
93. Governance is a form with which leaders govern their populations.
94. Military art is a habit with which military men help leaders to maintain justice.
95. Commerce is a habit with which traders know how to buy and sell.
96. Navigation is an art with which sailors can navigate the seas.
97. Conscience is a form whereby the intellect afflicts the soul for its misdeeds.
98. Preaching is a form with which preachers instruct the people to have good morals and to avoid bad ones.
99. Prayer is a form with which the one praying enters into holy conversation with God.
100. Memory is that with which things are remembered.