Ars Brevis

bullet1 10. Application

Part 10 - Applying this Art

There are three parts to application: in the first, we apply the implicit to the explicit. In the second, we apply the abstract to the concrete. In the third, we apply questions to the loci of this Art. And now let us begin with the first part:

1. If the question's terms are implicit, apply them to the explicit terms of this Art, as in asking: whether God exists, or whether angels exist. And likewise, other terms are applied to goodness, greatness etc. For instance: is it good, great etc. for God and angels to exist?

2. As for the second part, we say that if the question's terms are abstract, apply them to their concrete terms, like goodness to what is good, greatness to what is great, color to what is colored and so forth. And see how the abstract and concrete terms are related by discussing them with the principles and rules.

3. The third part is about applying questions to loci. It has thirteen parts, as follows: 1. the first figure, 2. the second figure, 3. the third figure, 4. the fourth figure, 5. the definitions, 6. the rules, 7. the table, 8. evacuating the third figure, 9. multiplying the fourth figure, 10. mixing principles and rules, 11. the nine subjects, 12. the 100 forms, 13. questions.

The subject matter of questions is applied to the above parts, as appropriate. If the subject matter of the question is appropriate to the first figure, then it is applied to the first figure, and the solution to the question is drawn from the text of this figure by making affirmative and negative statements without violating the text. And what was said about the first figure also applies to the other parts, each in its own way. And this is enough about application, for the sake of brevity. But if the artist's intellect needs help in applying the terms, it can resort to Ars Magna, where these things are dealt with at greater length.