Ars Brevis
9. The Instrumentative
9. The Ninth
Subject, or the Instrumentative
This subject
deals with instrumentality. It is considered in two ways: naturally, as
for instance an eye which is an instrument for seeing; and morally, as
for instance, justice is an instrument for making judgments and a hammer
is an instrument for forging.
instruments can be known by discussing them in their specific ways with
the principles and rules of this Art, and so with moral instruments which
apply in their own specific ways to the same principles and rules.
are differences between natural and moral instruments, and we leave this
discourse or discussion up to the diligent intellect. But if the artist's
intellect needs help in this discourse, he can resort to Ars Magna, where
we deal more broadly with moral matters. Given that we mentioned morality
in the alphabet, let us define some moral instruments to enable the artist
to learn about moral matters.
1. The
instrumentative is a power with which moral persons act in a moral way.
2. Justice
is a habit with which the just act justly.
3. Prudence
is a habit with which prudent persons act prudently.
4. Fortitude
is a habit with which strong hearts act courageously.
5. Temperance
is a habit with which temperate persons act temperately.
6. Faith
is a habit with which one believes in truths he can neither sense nor understand.
7. Hope
is a habit with which one hopes to receive forgiveness and glory from the
Lord, and has confidence in his good and powerful friend.
8. Charity
is a virtue whereby one contributes his own wealth to the common good.
9. Patience
is a habit whereby the patient man wins and does not lose.
10. Compassion
is a habit whereby the compassionate person is grieved by the suffering
of his fellow creatures.
11. Avarice
is a habit whereby a rich man acts like a poor beggar.
12. Gluttony
is a habit whereby the glutton ends up in the clutches of illness and poverty.
13. Lust
is a habit whereby the lecher abuses his faculties against the law of marriage.
14. Conceit
is a habit whereby the conceited man strives to be above others, with no
regard for humility.
15. Accidie,
or sloth, is a habit whereby the slothful man is grieved by the fortune
of others, and rejoices in their misfortune.
16. Envy
is a habit whereby the envious man unjustly craves the belongings of others.
17. Ire
is a habit whereby the irate man binds his freedom of thought.
18. Falsehood
is the habit whereby liars speak out or testify against the truth.
19. Inconstancy
is a habit whereby inconstant persons are prone to many changes.
We have
dealt with the nine subjects. The artist can learn more about them by discussing
them with the principles and rules of this Art.