The sky containing the fixed stars was divided by the ancient astronomers into twelve parts, and they called each part a house and each house was called a sign, namely a sign of one specific part of the sky, and that sign was signified by the stars found in that house.
The first sign is Aries, the second Taurus, the third Gemini, the fourth Cancer, the fifth Leo, the sixth Virgo, the seventh Libra, the eighth Scorpio, the ninth Sagittarius, the tenth Capricorn, the eleventh Aquarius and the twelfth sign is Pisces.
By these twelve signs, astronomers consider all of celestial nature and to each sign they attribute its own natural conditions, different from those of the other signs. So we will now speak of each sign according to its own natural condition. And first, about the first sign...

1. ARIES  is a sign deemed to have a fiery complexion which is hot and dry, and the complexion of fire is signified by the letter B in this treatise. Fire is hot with its own heat and dry with the dryness it receives from earth. However, Aries is neither hot nor dry in its own essential nature, but it naturally increases the heat and dryness of fire inasmuch as the heavens naturally shed their influence and virtue upon things below. The Sun, for instance, has natural virtue for increasing the heat of fire with its splendor and brightness, which is similar to the brightness of fire. With its heat, Aries multiplies instances of heat in the corporeal things below it and destroys instances of cold, and with its dryness it multiplies instances of dryness and consumes those of moisture. And we say that it rules heat and dryness because it naturally agrees better with fire than with any other element. And so, whenever some planet is in the house of Aries, judgment is to be made according the complexion attributed to Aries and according to the complexion attributed to that planet. Aries is diurnal because its own natural virtue has greater concordance with day than with night, and so astronomers say that Aries natives born by day are more choleric than those born at night, and that Aries gives them greater and stronger virtue by day than by night. Aries is masculine, which means that its own natural virtue agrees better with masculine than with feminine bodies below. Hence, Aries natives are more fortunate in their dealings with the masculine than with the feminine sex, and someone conceived in this constellation would naturally be a male, but only if the nature of Aries is not impeded by some planet in its house or in conjunction with it, with a complexion contrary to the complexion of Aries: such as Venus and the Moon that naturally tend to generate female bodies which are closer to the complexion of water than to fire. Aries is mobile, and this is because it agrees more with the bodies below it when they move than when they merely exist. And thus, although people conceived or born in the constellation of Aries are lighter and run about more than others who are either conceived or born in the constellation of Taurus, nonetheless their deeds are not as lasting as those done by natives of Taurus, but they implement their projects more promptly than natives conceived or born in the constellation of Taurus. Mars is the planet with which Aries sheds its influence and virtue on things below more readily than with any other planet, because Mars is the messenger of the appetites that the lower bodies have for receiving the virtue of Aries. Mars receives and transmits this virtue to bodies below along with its own virtue through the hot and dry influence and the masculine, mobile and diurnal nature of Aries and according to their need for the influence of Mars. 
Aries has three parts: the First, or rising part is called the head or face and is signified by the letter E,  the other part is called the middle, signified by F and this is the standing part; the third, descending part of Aries is called the tail signified by G.  And the things we say about the rising, standing and descending that occur by day, also apply to rising, standing and descending movements at night. So, astronomers say that Aries has thirty degrees, namely ten as it rises in E, ten as it stands in F, and ten as it descends in G.  There is an  intensive judgment for each degree which is subdivided into even smaller parts such as minutes. The most difficult thing of all in this science is to know and read all the different degrees of Aries and the other signs. In the human body, Aries influences the head and face and its regions in the world are Persia and Babylon, because it naturally influences the head and face of man and the said regions more powerfully than any other part of the human body, or any other region of the earth. These are the conditions of Aries per se, and with these it communicates its natural virtue to bodies here below in the way that its natural virtue is naturally modified by the natural properties of any planet or planets in conjunction with it: if the said planet or planets naturally agree with it, they transmit its natural influence to the bodies below, but if the planet or planets in conjunction with it are naturally opposed to it, then they transmit its natural virtue to things below in a form altered by the transmitting medium. This is like an ailing sense of taste that signals bitterness when tasting a sweet apple, even though the apple is not bitter at all. And the same applies to the other signs in view of their respective complexions and properties.

2. TAURUS  has an earthy, cold and dry complexion signified by the letter C in this treatise. And Taurus is nocturnal, feminine and fixed, its planet is Venus. Astronomers say that Taurus has an earthy complexion because earth receives more virtue from it through C than through B A D.  Another reason why astronomers assert that Taurus is feminine is that it helps feminine substances more than those which are not of a feminine nature. Astronomers also say that Taurus is nocturnal as it has greater virtue by night than by day. They furthermore say that it is fixed because it does not send its influence and virtue to moving bodies below. They also say that Venus is its planet as it naturally agrees better with Venus than with any other planet.  Astronomers say that Taurus influences the neck and adam's apple in man, as well as trees that have been planted. And they say that it rules the lower parts of things that receive more influence and virtue from it than from any other sign. And it rules over regions inhabited by the Black race.

3. GEMINI has a moist and warm airy complexion signified by the letter A, as astronomers say that Gemini transmits its influence and virtue more strongly through A than through any other complexion. They also say that it is powerful by day and call it a diurnal sign. And they say that it is masculine, because it is more helpful to masculine substances than to any others. They also say that it is common in movement, meaning that it has no natural inclination either to move or not to move substances below it. Its planet is Mercury because it transmits its virtue to things below more strongly through Mercury than through any other planet. They also say that it rules the shoulders, arms and hands of the human body, that Armenia and Germany are its regions and that it is a liberal sign and produces a good mentality.

4. CANCER  has the cold, moist complexion of water signified by the letter D. Astronomers say that Cancer has a watery complexion because it virtually influences water and substances of watery complexion. They also say that it is feminine because it helps feminine substances below it, and mobile, because it gives them a natural appetite for movement. It is also nocturnal, as night influences substances subject to it through Cancer. Astronomers also say that Cancer rules the chest and stomach in the human body inasmuch as it virtually influences them. It rules trees that are naturally equal in height and its region is eastern Armenia and Germany.

5. LEO has a B complexion and is a fixed sign. Astronomers call it fixed because it naturally influences bodies here below that remain firmly in place, without any natural appetite to move. And they say that it is masculine and diurnal and that its planet is the Sun. In the human body it rules the heart, ribs and spine; it also rules large trees, and its region is Tunisia, the habitable regions above the Sahara desert, the Silk Road and regions where silk is found.

6. VIRGO  has a C complexion and is called common because it is common both to movement and non - movement.  Virgo is nocturnal, feminine, and its planet is Mercury; in the human body it rules the belly, armpits, tissues, diaphragm, and intestines. And it rules seeds sown in earth. It has a good, generous mentality and rules regions like Jerusalem and other sites of pilgrimage.

7. LIBRA  has an A complexion that strengthens heat and moisture in elemented bodies. It is masculine, diurnal and mobile, and its planet is Venus. In the human body it rules the front part from the navel down to the thighs. Libra also rules trees that are equal in size; it is liberal and its regions are Rome and Greece.

8. SCORPIO  is of the D complexion, it is a watery sign that fortifies moisture and cold in substances here below; it is stable because by its natural virtue bodies below it stay firmly in place and have no appetite to move. Scorpio is nocturnal as it has more virtue by night than by day, and feminine, because it helps the feminine substances below it and its planet is Mars. In the human body, it rules the penis, genitals and anus; it also rules long trees equal in measure; and its region is Arabia.

9. SAGITTARIUS  is a fiery sign, common, diurnal and masculine, its planet is Jupiter. In the human body it rules the thighs, and it rules India and regions inhabited by Jews; it is an ingenious and daring sign.

10. CAPRICORN  is of the earthy C complexion, dry in its proper quality and cold in its appropriate quality, and it fortifies dryness and cold in substances here below. Capricorn is a mobile sign, which means that it agrees better with bodies below that move, than those that merely exist. It is a nocturnal and feminine sign, its planet is Saturn. It rules the knees in the human body and its region is Ethiopia.

11. AQUARIUS  has an A complexion because it strengthens moisture and heat. It is a fixed sign, as by its natural virtue bodies below it stand firm and have no appetite to move. It is masculine and diurnal; its planet is Saturn. In the human body it rules the shins and ankles. Its region is in the third part of Egypt, and it has other regions as well.

12. PISCES  has a D complexion because it fortifies cold and moisture in bodies below it. It is a common, feminine and nocturnal sign, its planet is Jupiter. It rules the feet in the human body, and endows people with a humorous and discreet nature. Pisces also rules mixtures of colors with which bodies below it are colored in different ways. It rules the northern regions and has an influence on the Romans.
We have described the twelve celestial signs with their complexions and natures, according to the influences that they transmit to things below them. Now let us describe the seven planets and their natural complexions and natures through which they tansmit their influence to things below.

Next: to the seven planets
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