Introductions to the Propositions and Questions of "A"

The Propositions of "A"
A. is the supreme being of all beings, with its ineffable dignities. But as the intellect really has no way of totally understanding A. but only understands through the grace and influence of A. that there are sixteen dignities in A., not to say that there are only sixteeen, since they are countless and all of the same unique essence; but as it is sufficient for the intellect to take sixteen divine dignities in this Art so as to answer any question regarding A., each of the sixteen dignities has six propositions with which any question about A. can be answered with the help of T. Thus there are sixteen times six, or ninety six propositions. And we begin with goodness first, which does not mean that it is better than the others since there is no hierarchy within God, and only means that this is the sequence adopted in this Art.

Questions about A.
The questions pertaining to the principles of A. in this volume, are divided into as many parts as there are principles in A. and the solutions are found in the cameras of these principles as each camera contains two questions, and these cameras are sure signs pointing to the propositions that they contain, to immediately provide the solution of each question. Now let us deal with the questions pertinent to goodness, and the other principles in sequence.

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