6. Method of Debate

The Method of Debate 

The method of debate in this Art consists in adducing arguments based on the propositions taken from the cameras that must be formed so that the particular issue at hand can be found in them by the debating parties.

At the outset of the debate, both debating parties must truly intend to investigate the particular issue at hand, as both agree to concede the truth and observe the rules and process of this Art, since the universality of this Art leads to the discernment of the truth in all sciences when its principles and process are followed.

If a party raises sophistic arguments and sows the seed of fallacy, the fallacies are to be refuted with the principles and statements of this Art, because no fallacy can stand against them, as they compel one to concede the truth. If the party remains recalcitrant, or a victim of ignorance that keeps it from recognizing the truth, the absurd consequences of its arguments must be demonstrated with the irrefutable principles and statements of this Art which cannot be refuted as they are organic parts of its universality. And if the party still resists and will not concede the truth despite the obvious unreasonableness and impossibility of its position, then let it remain in its ignorance, for if it has any intelligence it will feel wounded in its conscience and this wound can enable it to concede the truth at some other time. 

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