Secrets of the Art Revealed


bullet1 Chapter 1 General properties of this Art and Science

bullet2 2. perfect, sure and infallible

Two, this Art is Perfectly Certain and Infallible

The reason is that the principles of this Art are largely self-evident, they are really the things that sense and intellect experience most directly, where sense reaches to the lowest degree below which there is no further descent; and intellect reaches to the topmost degree above which there is no further ascent; the principles of this Art consist of primordial, supreme, essential, substantial and real truths: "and those that may not be self-evident to all, can be demonstrated with Figure T by seeking out particulars in the universality of any principle that needs to be proved: thus, there is no use discussing with anyone who denies the self-evident principles of this Art; but if someone denies those that are not self-evident,  they can be proved to him with the method of this Art. (Comm.Art.Dem. Dist.2. p.2. reg.26. f.85)

Further, it is perfectly certain and infallible because of the modus operandi it applies to principles; now, each and every camera of this Art is in itself an infallible principle and rule. (Introd. Art. Dem. Cap. 22. fol. 12.) And given that a modus operandi is simply "a regulated practical order based on necessary principles, used as a compendious way and means for accomplishing one's purpose" (Ars.Inv. Dist.3. deReg. f.37.), even as the principles are infallible because of their necessity,  likewise, the rule for operating  with the principles, on account of its necessity that arises from the necessity of the principles, is also infallible, as will be more amply proved below in the chapter on the Secret of the Modus Operandi. Further, "since all the triangles of T and the other universal terms of this Art can be found simply, and according to their universal combinations, in the subjects of all Sciences and Arts, all Sciences and Arts are mutually concordant in one purpose and all constitute a single subject for this universal Science, namely this Art - this most profound secret escaped the notice of those who tried to reform my Art - and given that the common and universal principles of this Art are found both simply and in mutual combination, they necessarily proceed from each one's ultimate particulars all the way to its supreme universal, and thus, with the power of this Art, its conditions and conclusions proceed infallibly in all Sciences and Arts: the only fallibility can come from the operator's inexperience, and not from any defect of this Science, (Com. Art. Dem. Dist. 3. de q. Y n. 2. f. 127.) in the same way that the principles and modus operandi of Arithmetic and Geometry  are infallible and any fallibility in their operations can only be attributed to the operator "To many of those who have not seen these principles, certain tenets of particular Sciences seem to be merely probable, and this Art can demonstrate that they are necessary." (Ibid. Dist. 2. pag.2. de reg. fol. 81)